.\" See NOTES for acknowledgments. .TH MOSAIC 1 "April 11, 1994" "Release 2.4" " " .SH NAME Mosaic \- a Motif based World Wide Web browser. .SH SYNOPSIS .B Mosaic [ .B "-color" ] [ .B "-dil" ] [ .B "-ghbnie" ] [ .B "-home \fIdocument\fP " ] [ .B "-ics \fIinteger\fP " ] [ .B "-ngh" ] [ .B "-tmpdir \fIdirectory\fP " ] [ .B "\fIdocument\fP " ] .PP .SH DESCRIPTION NCSA \fIMosaic\fP is a networked information discovery, retrieval, and collaboration tool and World Wide Web browser developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. In other words, \fIMosaic\fP is an interface to the Internet. .PP .B "Following Hyperlinks" .PP \fIMosaic\fP provides an easy-to-use point & click interface to the World Wide Web. A \fIsingle-click\fP with the left mouse button on a hyperlink causes \fIMosaic\fP to retrieve the document associated with that link, and display it in the Document View window. A \fIsingle-click\fP with the middle mouse button also causes \fIMosaic\fP to follow the link, and open a new Document View window on top of the existing one. From that point, either Document View window can be used for further navigating. .PP .B "Back through the Window History" .PP Each open Document View window maintains a window history, recording every document it visits. Clicking with the left mouse button on the \fBBack\fP button on the bottom control panel travels back through the window history, as does selecting \fIBack\fP from the \fBNavigate\fP menu, or hitting \fIb\fP (a hotkey) while the mouse cursor is in the Document View area. After traveling back through the window history, subsequent hyperlinks will write over the existing window history from that point, as expected. .PP .B "Forward" .PP After moving back one or more documents through the window history, the \fBForward\fP button will travel forward through the already-determined window history, as if the previously-selected hyperlinks are selected again. Selecting \fIForward\fP from the \fBNavigate\fP menu or hitting the hotkey \fIf\fP while the mouse cursor is in the Document View area has the same effect. .PP .B "The Window History List" .PP Traveling back and forward through a Document View window's history can also be achieved with the \fIWindow History\fP feature under the \fBNavigate\fP menu. \fIMosaic\fP can jump to any document in the window history, forward or back. Simply \fIdouble-click\fP on any document title, or highlight a title and hit the \fIGo To\fP button. Hitting \fIlowercase h\fP with the mouse cursor in the Document View area also causes the window history list to pop-up. .PP .B "Home Document" .PP When NCSA \fIMosaic\fP is first executed, it retrieves and displays the "home document." By default, this is the NCSA \fIMosaic\fP Home Page, but your copy of \fIMosaic\fP may have been configured to use a different home page (probably a local document that does not have to be retrieved from a distant server). To jump to the home document in any Document View window, click the \fBHome\fP button or use the \fIHome Document\fP feature under the \fBNavigate\fP menu. Note that \fIMosaic\fP will add the home document to the window history, rather than jumping to the first node in the window history list (which is \fInot\fP necessarily the home document). .PP .B "Opening New Windows and Cloning" .PP The \fBNew Window\fP button can be used to pop-up an additional Document View window on top of the existing one(s). The new Document View window will retrieve and display the home document. On the other hand, the \fBClone\fP button can be used to open a new Document View window displaying the same document currently being viewed. The \fINew Window\fP and \fIClone Window\fP features can also be selected from the \fBFile\fP menu, or with the hotkeys \fIn\fP and \fIc\fP. .PP .B "Closing Windows" .PP Any Document View window can be closed with the \fBClose Window\fP button, the \fIClose Window\fP feature under the \fBFile\fP menu, or the \fIESC\fP hotkey. Only the current Document View window will be closed. If the current window is the only window currently open, the entire application will be shut down when the window is closed. .PP .B "Aborting Document Transfers" .PP Occasionally, you may want to abort the retrieval of large documents or documents stored on distant servers which require greater transfer time. At any point in a data transfer process (hostname lookups and certain stages of direct WAIS queries excepted), you can click on the icon in the upper right corner of the window to stop the current network action. .PP .B "The Document View Window" .PP .I "Hotkeys" .PP While the mouse pointer is in the hypertext viewing area, the following \fIhotkeys\fP (keyboard shortcuts for common actions) are active. .I "Note that \fPMosaic\fI is case-sensitive, but either case will " .I "usually work." .PP .TP 45 .B " a A " Annotate .TP 45 .B " b B " Back .TP 45 .B " c C " Clone .TP 45 .B " d D " Document source .TP 45 .B " f F " Forward .TP 45 .B " h " window History .TP 45 .B " H " Hotlist .TP 45 .B " l L " open Local .TP 45 .B " m M " Mail to .TP 45 .B " n N " New window .TP 45 .B " o O " Open URL .TP 45 .B " p P " Print .TP 45 .B " r " Reload .TP 45 .B " R " Refresh .TP 45 .B " s S " find in document (Search) .TP 45 .B " ESC " Close the current window .PP .I "Movement Keys" .TP 45 .B " Up and Down arrow keys " Scroll up and down one line .TP 45 .B " Left and Right arrow keys " Scroll left and right .TP 45 .B " Page Up/Prior/Backspace/Delete " Scroll up one page .TP 45 .B " Page Down/Next/Return/Tab/Space " Scroll down one page .PP .I "Text Selection" .PP The viewing area allows you to select text as though you were in a normal terminal or editor window; the text can then be pasted into other X windows. .PP Press the \fIleft\fP mouse button to begin selecting text; hold it and drag, or alternately release it and then use the \fIright\fP mouse button to complete the selection. .PP The \fIFancy Selections\fP setting under the \fBOptions\fP menu causes the paste function to imitate the formatted display in \fIMosaic\fP's viewing area. .PP .B "Multimedia Configuration" .PP When a hyperlink (or anchor) points to a data file that is not HTML or plain text, such as an image or sound file, \fIMosaic\fP attempts to use an external program to display the image or play the sound. If \fIMosaic\fP cannot find an appropriate external viewer, it prompts the user for a filename under which to save the data file, in case the data is needed outside of \fIMosaic\fP. .PP \fIMosaic\fP uses a two-step process to determine what external viewer to use: .PP 1. The MIME type of the incoming file is determined, either according to its file extension or as specified by the document's server. If \fIMosaic\fP must rely on the file extension, it either uses a built-in default list, or a user-configurable extension map file. .PP 2. \fIMosaic\fP matches the incoming file's MIME type to an external viewer, according to either the built-in default list, or a user-configurable mailcap file. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B "-color" Tells NCSA \fIMosaic\fP to use color for its user interface; this is the default behavior. .TP .B "-dil" Turns on delayed image loading. This is equivalent to setting the \fIdelayImageLoads\fP X resource. .TP .B "-ghbnie" This tells \fIMosaic\fP not to use the gethostbyname() call to find out what the current machine's full hostname is; if you're running on a Sun that coredumps when \fIMosaic\fP tries to do this on program startup, you can either use this command-line flag or just set resource \fIgethostbynameIsEvil\fP to true. .TP .B "-home \fIdocument\fP " Specifies the URL of the home document. This is \fInot\fP necessarily the startup document (see below). .TP .B "-ics \fIinteger\fP " Sets the maximum image cache size in kilobytes. Default is 2048. Using this command-line flag is equivalent to setting the \fIimageCacheSize\fP resource. .TP .B "-ngh" Tells NCSA \fIMosaic\fP not to read or write the global history file that keeps track of where you've been in previous sessions. .TP .B "-tmpdir \fIdirectory\fP " Specifics the directory to be used to store temporary files generated by \fIMosaic\fP. This directory should have plenty of space, ideally at least 10 or 20 megabytes, in case you happen to pull down a very large data file. Using this flag is equivalent to setting the resource \fItmpDirectory\fP or setting the environment variable \fITMPDIR\fP. .TP .B "\fIdocument\fP " Specifies the document URL to access on program startup. .PP .SH MENUS .PP \fIMosaic\fP has 5 pull-down menus: .I "File, Options, Navigate, Annotate, \fPand\fI Help. " Each of these menus is discussed in turn below. .PP .I "FILE MENU" .PP The \fBFile\fP menu contains the following features: .TP .B "New Window \fP(hotkey \fIn\fP) " Pop-up a new Document View window; the initial document will be your home document. .TP .B "Clone Window \fP(hotkey \fIc\fP) " Create a new Document View window with initial document same as the document in the current window. .TP .B "Open URL... \fP(hotkey \fIo\fP) " Pop up a dialog box allowing you to manually enter any Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that you wish to access. .TP .B "Open Local... \fP(hotkey \fIl\fP) " Pop up a dialog box allowing you to select a local file you wish to access. The \fIlocalhost\fP scheme will automatically be inserted in the file's Uniform Resource Locator (URL). .TP .B "Reload Current \fP(hotkey lowercase \fIr\fP) " Retrieve the current document over the network again and redisplay it, causing any changes to the document that may have occurred to become visible. Cached images will not be re-retrieved unless the \fIreloadReloadsImages\fP resource is true. .TP .B "Reload Images " Reloads and redisplays the current document including any inlined images. .TP .B "Refresh Current \fP(hotkey capital \fIR\fP) " Redisplay the current document (to cause image colors to be restored, etc.) without requiring a network transfer. .TP .B "Find In Current... \fP(formerly Search) (hotkey \fIs\fP) " Pop up a dialog box allowing you to search for words inside the current document. .TP .B "View Source... \fP(hotkey \fId\fP) " Pop up a dialog box showing you the current document's Uniform Resource Locator and HTML source text. .TP .B "Save As... " Pop up a dialog box allowing you to save the current document to a local file in any of several formats (the valid choices are plaintext, pretty-formatted text, raw HTML, and PostScript). .TP .B "Print... \fP(hotkey \fIp\fP) " Pop up a dialog box allowing you to print the current document via the print command of your choice in any of several formats. (see \fISave As\fP). Note: The print command you specify should accept a single argument -- the name of a file to print. .TP .B "Mail To... \fP(hotkey \fIm\fP) " Pop up a dialog box allowing you to mail the current document to a user on the network in any of several formats (see \fISave As\fP). .TP .B "Open DTM Outport... \fP(not available on all clients) " Pop up a dialog box to select a DTM Output Port to open. .TP .B "Broadcast Over DTM... \fP(not available on all clients) " Broadcast the current document to a running NCSA Collage session somewhere on the network. You should be familiar with Collage before attempting this one. .TP .B "Close Window \fP(hotkey \fIESC\fP) " Close only the current Document View window. If the current window is the only window currently open, the entire application will be shut down when the window is closed. .TP .B "Exit Program... " Close all windows and exit NCSA \fIMosaic\fP. A confirmation dialog box will be popped up to allow you to cancel this action, if necessary. .PP .I "OPTIONS MENU" .PP The \fBOptions\fP menu contains the following items: .PP .TP .B "Fancy Selections " When this toggle button is activated, selections made via the X cut'n'paste mechanism will preserve the document's pretty formatting (headers, bulleted lists, etc.) as much as possible in the selected text. .TP .B "Load to Local Disk \fP(formerly Binary Transfer Mode) " When this toggle button is activated, clicking on hyperlinks will pop-up a \fISave File\fP dialog box. A filename may be specified under which \fIMosaic\fP will save the current document in the selected format (the valid choices are plaintext, pretty-formatted text, raw HTML, and PostScript). .TP .B "Delay Image Loading " Delayed image loading is for users with slow network connections. When this toggle button is activated, \fIMosaic\fP substitutes a small icon for inlined-images, plus an arrow icon for inlined-images which also act as hyperlinks. \fIClicking\fP on an icon tells \fIMosaic\fP to load that inlined-image, while \fIclicking\fP on the arrow is equivalent to following the associated hyperlink. Selecting \fILoad Images in Current\fP from the \fBOptions\fP menu loads and displays all of the inlined-images in the current document. Delayed image loading can also be selected with the '\fI-dil\fP' command-line flag, or with the \fIdelayImageLoads\fP resource. .TP .B "Load Images in Current " Loads all inlined images into the current document when delayed image loading is on. .TP .B "Reload Config Files " Reload mailcaps and extension maps. .TP .B "Flush Image Cache " Flushes the image data cache from memory. .TP .B "Clear Global History " Erases the personal history record \fIMosaic\fP stores in order to mark previously visited links accordingly. The default file in which the history record is saved is ".mosaic-global-history" in the user's home directory. Once the global history record is cleared, all hyperlinks will be marked unvisited. .TP .B "Fonts" \fP(12 choices) You can change NCSA \fIMosaic\fP's font choices on the fly via these menu options. The fonts in the Options menu are all fairly common and should be on any reasonable X server (X11R4 or above). If you create a new Document View window (e.g., through cloning or through the Window Per Document feature), its set of fonts will be inherited from the previous window. .TP .B "Anchor Underlines" \fP(5 choices) You can change NCSA \fIMosaic\fP's anchor (or hyperlink) underline states on the fly via these menu options. .PP .I "NAVIGATE MENU" .PP The \fBNavigate\fP menu contains the following features: .PP .TP .B "Back \fP(hotkey \fIb\fP)" Move back one document in this Document View window's history list. This action is only possible if a previous document exists at the current position; otherwise, the option will be insensitive. .TP .B "Forward \fP(hotkey \fIf\fP) " Move forward one document in this Document View window's history list. This action is only possible if a subsequent document exists at the current position; otherwise, the option will be insensitive. .TP .B "Home Document " Move to the home document. (This is the document that NCSA \fIMosaic\fP accesses when it first starts up.) .TP .B "Window History... \fP(hotkey lowercase \fIh\fP) " Pop up a dialog box containing the history of the Document View window. The document currently being viewed in the Document View window is always highlighted; any of the documents in the list can be double-clicked with the left mouse button to cause that document to be viewed. .TP .B "Hotlist... \fP(hotkey capital \fIH\fP) " Pop-up the \fIhotlist\fP dialog box. The \fIhotlist\fP allows \fIMosaic\fP users to store a list of hyperlinks for easy access. .TP .B "Add Current To Hotlist " Adds the current document to the user's hotlist. .TP .B "Internet Starting Points " Retrieves a document of convenient links to various Internet services. By default, the document is retrieved from an HTTP server at NCSA; this can be configured at compile-time, if necessary. .TP .B "Internet Resources Meta-Index " Retrieves a document intended to be a meta-index of the various resource directories and indices available on the Internet. By default, the document is retrieved from an HTTP server at NCSA; this can be configured at compile-time, if necessary. .PP .I "ANNOTATE MENU" .PP The \fBAnnotate\fP menu contains the following features: .PP .TP .B "Annotate... \fP(hotkey \fIa\fP) " This pops up the NCSA \fIMosaic\fP Annotate window to allow you to enter a new annotation for the current document. .TP .B "Audio Annotate... \fP(only on SGI's, Suns, and HP's, so far) " This pops up the \fIMosaic\fP Audio Annotate window to allow you to record a voice annotation on SGI, Sun, and HP platforms. .TP .B "Edit This Annotation... " This pops up the \fIMosaic\fP Annotate window to allow you to edit (or delete) the annotation currently being viewed. Note that this menubar entry is only available (sensitive) when you are viewing an annotation. .TP .B "Delete This Annotation... " This deletes the annotation that is currently being viewed. Note that this menubar entry is only available (sensitive) when you are viewing an annotation. .PP .I "HELP MENU" .PP If you have a problem or question about NCSA \fIMosaic\fP, please read through all available online documentation; then, if your problem or question isn't answered, use the \fIMail Developers\fP option in the \fBHelp\fP menu to send a note to the authors of NCSA \fIMosaic\fP at . .PP .SH RESOURCES .PP The class name for \fIMosaic\fP is \fIMosaic\fP. To override the default resource value for \fIdelayImageLoads\fP, for example, you would put the following line in your \fI.Xdefaults\fP file: .PP Mosaic*delayImageLoads: True .PP \fIFunctional Resources\fP control the look and feel of \fIMosaic\fP, and provide \fIMosaic\fP with some system-specific information. \fIVisual Resources\fP mostly control the appearance of anchors (hyperlinks). \fIFont Resources\fP define the default font \fIMosaic\fP uses. .PP .I "FUNCTIONAL RESOURCES" .PP .TP .B "annotationsOnTop: \fIBoolean\fP " Flag to indicate whether inlined document annotation hyperlinks are prepended to the document (if true) or postpended (if false). Default is false. .TP .B "autoPlaceWindows: \fIBoolean\fP " If set to false, new Document View windows will not be automatically positioned by the program itself (but it's still up to your window manager just how they're placed). Default is true. .TP .B "binaryTransferMode: \fIBoolean\fR (update for version 2.0) " Removed for version 2.0, use \fILoad to Local Disk\fP from \fBOptions\fP menu. .TP .B "catchPriorAndNext: \fIBoolean\fP " This resource controls whether use of the keys Prior and Next (\fIPage Up\fP and \fIPage Down\fP on most keyboards) are explicitly caught in the Document View window and passed to the vertical scrollbar or whether the normal Motif scrolled window mechanism is relied upon to do that automatically. Default is false, since that's how things are supposed to work, but if you find that Page Up/Page Down aren't doing their jobs for you, set this resource to true. .TP .B "confirmExit: \fIBoolean\fP " Whether NCSA \fIMosaic\fP will pop up a dialog box to confirm exiting the program when the '\fIExit Program\fP' menu option is chosen. Default is true. .TP .B "defaultAuthorName: \fIstring\fP " String to use as your fullname (e.g., John Q. Public). Your fullname is normally stored in the system password file, and \fIMosaic\fP will extract it from that if this resource is NULL; else the value of this resource will be used. Default is NULL. .TP .B "defaultHeight: \fIinteger\fP " Default height in pixels for a Document View window. Default is 680. .TP .B "defaultHotlistFile: \fIstring\fP " Name of file to store the default hotlist (or list of bookmarks). Default is ".mosaic-hotlist-default"; the value of the environment variable \fIHOME\fP will be prepended to this string. .TP .B "defaultWidth: \fIinteger\fP " Default width in pixels for a Document View window. Default is 620. .TP .B "delayImageLoads: \fIBoolean\fR (new for version 2.0)" Delayed image loading is for users with slow network connections. If true, \fIMosaic\fP substitutes a small icon for inlined-images, plus an arrow icon for inlined-images which also act as hyperlinks. \fIClicking\fP on an icon tells \fIMosaic\fP to load that inlined-image, while \fIclicking\fP on the arrow is equivalent to following the associated hyperlink. Selecting \fILoad Images in Current\fP from \fIMosaic\fP's \fBOptions\fP menu loads and displays all of the inlined-images in the current document. Delayed image loading can also be selected with the '\fI-dil\fP' command-line flag, or on a per-window basis from \fIMosaic\fP's \fBOptions\fP menu. Default is false. .TP .B "displayURLsNotTitles: \fIBoolean\fP " If true, URL's will be displayed everywhere document titles are usually displayed. Default is false. .TP .B "DocsDirectory: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.0) " Can be used to override the location of the help documents. Default is NULL. .TP .B "documentsMenuSpecfile: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.0) " Name of file which holds an optional "Documents Menu Specfile," to allow sites to add their own \fBDocuments\fP menu to \fIMosaic\fP's menu bar. Default is "/usr/local/lib/mosaic/documents.menu" .TP .B "fancySelections: \fIBoolean\fP " If true, cut and paste from the Document View window will be done with fancy selections enabled in the HTML widget, which will result in underlined headers, bulleted lists, and so on. If false, normal selection behavior will be used. Default is false. (Note that this can be changed, per window, on the fly.) .TP .B "ftpProxy: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.2) " Can be set to the location of an ftp proxy gateway. To set a proxy for all access methods, use the resource \fIProxyGateway\fP. Proxy gateway support is currently in beta-test phase. Default is NULL. .TP .B "gethostbynameIsEvil: \fIBoolean\fP " If you are running on a Sun set up such that, when it tries to find out it's own full hostname via gethostbyname(), it coredumps, then you should set this resource to true. Default is false. .TP .B "globalExtensionMap: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.0) " Can be set to the location of the system-wide extension map config file of your choice. Default is "/usr/local/lib/mosaic/mime.types" .TP .B "globalHistoryFile: \fIstring\fP " Name of file to store the global history of all documents visited from session to session. Default is ".mosaic-global-history"; the value of the environment variable \fIHOME\fP will be prepended to this string. .TP .B "globalTypeMap: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.0) " Can be set to the location of the system-wide \fImailcap\fP (type map config) file of your choice. Default is "/usr/local/lib/mosaic/mailcap" .TP .B "gopherProxy: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.2) " Can be set to the location of a gopher proxy gateway. To set a proxy for all access methods, use the resource \fIProxyGateway\fP. Proxy gateway support is currently in beta-test phase. Default is NULL. .TP .B "gunzipCommand: \fIstring\fR (updated for version 2.0) " Command \fIMosaic\fP uses to uncompress gzip'd files (files with an extension of '.z'). Default is "gunzip -n -f", which requires version 1.2.4 of gzip. (Gunzip can be obtained from prep.ai.mit.edu in /pub/gnu.) .TP .B "homeDocument: \fIstring\fP " Document to access on program startup. Default is "http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/Mosaic/NCSAMosaicHome.html". .TP .B "httpProxy: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.2) " Can be set to the location of an http proxy gateway. To set a proxy for all access methods, use the resource \fIProxyGateway\fP. Proxy gateway support is currently in beta-test phase. Default is NULL. .TP .B "imageCacheSize: \fIinteger\fR (new for version 2.0) " Used to set the size of the inlined-image cache in kilobytes. The '\fI-ics\fP' command-line flag can also be used. Default is 2048. All of the images in a given document will be (temporarily) cached while on that page regardless of the value of \fIimageCacheSize\fP. .br Cache flushes \fIleast recently viewed\fP. .TP .B "initialWindowIconic: \fIBoolean\fP " If set to true, the first Document View window opened (when the program starts) will be iconified. Default is false. .TP .B "mailCommand: \fIstring\fR (updated for version 2.0) " Replaced in version 2.0 with \fIsendmailCommand\fP resource. .TP .B "maxWaisResponses: \fIinteger\fR (new for version 2.0) " Controls maximum number of matches \fIMosaic\fP gets from a WAIS server. Default is 200. .TP .B "newsProxy: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.2) " Can be set to the location of a news proxy gateway. To set a proxy for all access methods, use the resource \fIProxyGateway\fP. Proxy gateway support is currently in beta-test phase. Default is NULL. .TP .B "personalAnnotationDirectory: \fIstring\fP " Name of directory in which to store personal annotations (as well as the log file of all personal annotations currently in existence). Default is ".mosaic-personal-annotations"; the value of the environment variable \fIHOME\fP will be prepended to this string. (If the directory so named does not exist, it will be created; however, intermediate directories, if any are named, will not be created.) .TP .B "personalExtensionMap: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.0) " Can be set to the location of the personal extension map config file of your choice -- the value of the environment variable \fIHOME\fP is prepended to this. Default is ".mime.types" .TP .B "personalTypeMap: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.0) " Can be set to the location of the personal \fImailcap\fP file of your choice -- the value of the environment variable \fIHOME\fP is prepended to this. Default is ".mailcap" .TP .B "printCommand: \fIstring\fP " Name of command used (by default) for the \fBPrint\fP menu option. This command is expected to accept a single argument -- the name of the file to print. Default is "lpr". (Note that this can be changed on the fly via the \fBPrint\fP option's dialog box.) .TP .B "ProxyGateway: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.2) " Can be set to the location of an proxy gateway for all access methods (ftp, gopher WAIS, news and http). Proxy gateway support is currently in beta-test phase. Default is NULL. .TP .B "recordCommandLocation: \fIstring\fP " Location (full path name) of the command used to record audio annotations (on Sun, SGI, and HP platforms). Default is "/usr/sbin/recordaiff" on SGI, "/usr/demo/SOUND/record" on Sun, and "/usr/audio/bin/srecorder" on HP. If the named command does not exist when \fIMosaic\fP is started, audio annotations will be disabled (the menu entry will be made insensitive). .TP .B "recordCommand: \fIstring\fP " Command used to record audio annotations -- this is the full command, using the command named in \fIrecordCommandLocation\fP as the first word. Default is "recordaiff -n 1 -s 8 -r 8000" on SGI, "record" on Sun, "srecorder -au" on HP. The command thus named is expected to accept a single additional argument: the filename of the new audio file; the command is also expected to correctly terminate recording when sent a SIGINT. .TP .B "reloadReloadsImages: \fIBoolean\fR (new for version 2.0) " If true, the \fIReload\fP option will clear out cached image data for the current document before reloading the document, thus causing the images to be reloaded also. This is most useful for HTML authors using \fIMosaic\fP to view their work. Default is false. .TP .B "sendmailCommand: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.0) " Points to the sendmail binary. The assumption is made that this program accepts command-line arguments specifying addresses to which messages should be mailed, and accepts other headers and message text from stdin. Default is "/usr/lib/sendmail" .TP .B "simpleInterface: \fIBoolean\fR (new for version 2.0) " Allows \fIMosaic\fP's menu bar and bottom button configuration to be considerably pared down (default is false). .TP .B "tmpDirectory: \fIstring\fP " Name of directory in which to store temporary files generated by \fIMosaic\fP. This directory should have plenty of space, ideally at least 10 or 20 megabytes, in case you happen to pull down a very large data file. Setting this resource is equivalent to using the command-line flag -tmpdir or setting the environment variable \fITMPDIR\fP. .TP .B "trackFullURLs: \fIBoolean\fR (new for version 2.0) " If set to false, enables prototypical smart display of "where you're going" during mouse tracking, including format divination. Default is true. .TP .B "trackVisitedAnchors: \fIBoolean\fP " If true, visited anchors (anchors pointing to documents that have previously been viewed) will be displayed with a different style than anchors that have not yet been visited. Default is true. (On slow machines, changing this resource to false may substantially improve \fIMosaic\fP's performance.) .TP .B "twirlIncrement: \fIinteger\fR (new for version 2.0) " Indicates how many bytes (minimum) are transferred between updates of the twirling transfer icon for normal (FTP, Gopher, HTTP) transfers. Default is 4096. .TP .B "twirlingTransferIcon: \fIBoolean\fR (new for version 2.0) " Can be set to false to turn off the twirling NCSA logo during document transfers. \fIClicking\fP the icon will still interrupt a transfer. Default is true. .TP .B "uncompressCommand: \fIstring\fP " Command to use to uncompress compressed files (files with an extension of '.Z'). Default is "uncompress" .TP .B "useDefaultExtensionMap: \fIBoolean\fR (new for version 2.0) " Can be set to false to keep \fIMosaic\fP from having any default file-extension-to-MIME-type mappings. .I "We strongly recommend that this resource be left true; " simply overridden as necessary. Default is true. .TP .B "useDefaultTypeMap: \fIBoolean\fR (new for version 2.0) " Can be set to false to keep \fIMosaic\fP from having any default MIME-type-to-external-viewer mappings. .I "We strongly recommend that this resource be left true; " simply overridden as necessary. Default is true. .TP .B "useGlobalHistory: \fIBoolean\fP " If true, a global history of everywhere you visit is automatically stored. (This history is used to shade anchors different colors based on whether you've visited the corresponding documents or not, if resource trackVisitedAnchors is set to true) Default is true. .TP .B "waisProxy: \fIstring\fR (new for version 2.2) " Can be set to the location of a WAIS proxy gateway. To set a proxy for all access methods, use the resource \fIProxyGateway\fP. Proxy gateway support is currently in beta-test phase. Default is NULL. .TP .B "warpPointerForIndex: \fIBoolean\fR (update for version 2.0) " Removed for version 2.0. .TP .B "windowPerDocument: \fIBoolean\fR (update for version 2.0) " Removed for version 2.0. New windows can be created by clicking on hyperlinks with the middle mouse button rather than the left one. .TP .B "xtermCommand: \fIstring\fP " Name of command used to start a terminal window for a telnet session. Default is "xterm" on most platforms; "aixterm -v" on IBM AIX 3.x systems. .PP .I "VISUAL RESOURCES .PP The following resources actually belong to the HTML widget used in the Document View window, so you should specify them in your \fI.Xdefaults\fP file as follows: .PP Mosaic*anchorColor: cyan .PP .TP .B "anchorColor: \fIcolor\fP " Color to shade anchors whose corresponding documents haven't been previously visited. Default is blue3. .TP .B "visitedAnchorColor: \fIcolor\fP " Color to shade anchors whose corresponding documents have been previously visited. Default is violetred4. .TP .B "activeAnchorFG: \fIcolor\fP " Color to shade anchors that are in the process of being activated. Default is red. .TP .B "activeAnchorBG: \fIcolor\fP " Color to shade the background of anchors that are in the process of being activated. Default is grey80 (the same color as the application's background). .TP .B "anchorUnderlines: \fIinteger\fP " This can be one of {0, 1, 2, 3}, and indicates the number of lines to draw underneath unvisited anchors. Default is 1. .TP .B "visitedAnchorUnderlines: \fIinteger\fP " This can be one of {0, 1, 2, 3}, and indicates the number of lines to draw underneath visited anchors. Default is 1. .TP .B "dashedAnchorUnderlines: \fIBoolean\fP " If true, lines drawn under unvisited anchors will be dashed. Default is false. .TP .B "dashedVisitedAnchorUnderlines: \fIBoolean\fP " If true, lines drawn under visited anchors will be dashed. Default is true. .TP .B "colorsPerInlinedImage: \fIinteger\fP " Number of unique colors to allocate per inlined-image; default is 50. Note that this has no bearing on images that are displayed externally to NCSA \fIMosaic\fP, e.g. GIF images passed to an external viewer. .TP .B "percentVerticalSpace: \fIinteger\fP " The height of vertical space between paragraphs, between headers and paragraphs, etc., expressed as a percentage of the normal line height. Default is 90. .TP .B "verticalScrollOnRight: \fIBoolean\fP " If true, the vertical scroll bar will appear on the right. Default is true. .PP .I "FONT RESOURCES" .PP Font resources are also resources that belong to the HTML widget, so the above note applies here too. Note that fonts can be changed dynamically from the \fBOptions\fP menu. .TP .B "font: \fIfont\fP " Font used in normal formatted text. Default is "-adobe-times-medium-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "italicFont: \fIfont\fP " Font used in italic formatted text. Default is "-adobe-times-medium-i-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "boldFont: \fIfont\fP " Font used in bold formatted text. Default is "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "fixedFont: \fIfont\fP " Font used in fixed (typewriter style) formatted text. Default is "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "fixeditalicFont: \fIfont\fR (new for version 2.2) " Font used in fixed italic (typewriter style) formatted text. Default is "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "fixedboldFont: \fIfont\fR (new for version 2.2) " Font used in fixed bold (typewriter style) formatted text. Default is "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "header1Font: \fIfont\fP " Font used in level 1 headers. Default is "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "header2Font: \fIfont\fP " Font used in level 2 headers. Default is "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "header3Font: \fIfont\fP " Font used in level 3 headers. Default is "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "header4Font: \fIfont\fP " Font used in level 4 headers. Default is "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "header5Font: \fIfont\fP " Font used in level 5 headers. Default is "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "header6Font: \fIfont\fP " Font used in level 6 headers. Default is "-adobe-times-bold-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "addressFont: \fIfont\fP " Font used in addresses. Default is "-adobe-times-medium-i-normal-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "plainFont: \fIfont\fP " Font used in plaintext regions or preformatted documents. Default is "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "plainitalicFont: \fIfont\fR (new for version 2.2) " Font used in italic plaintext regions or preformatted documents. Default is "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "plainboldFont: \fIfont\fR (new for version 2.2) " Font used in bold plaintext regions or preformatted documents. Default is "-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .TP .B "listingFont: \fIfont\fP " Font used in listing regions. Default is "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1". .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES .TP .B "ftp_proxy \fP(new for version 2.2)" Specifies the location of an ftp proxy gateway. Takes precedence over the resources \fIftpProxy\fP and \fIProxyGateway\fP. Proxy gateway support is currently in beta-test phase. .TP .B "gopher_proxy \fP(new for version 2.2)" Specifies the location of a gopher proxy gateway. Takes precedence over the resources \fIgopherProxy\fP and \fIProxyGateway\fP. Proxy gateway support is currently in beta-test phase. .TP .B "http_proxy \fP(new for version 2.2)" Specifies the location of an http proxy gateway. Takes precedence over the resources \fIhttpProxy\fP and \fIProxyGateway\fP. Proxy gateway support is currently in beta-test phase. .TP .B "MOSAIC_DOCUMENTS_MENU_SPECFILE" Configurable Documents menu. By default there isn't one. The value of the resource \fIdocumentsMenuSpecfile\fP takes precedence over this environment variable. .TP .B "MOSAIC_DOCS_DIRECTORY" By default, the www.ncsa.uiuc.edu location is used for the help documents. This can be overridden by defining this environment variable, or the \fIDocsDirectory\fP resource. The resource takes precedence. .TP .B "news_proxy \fP(new for version 2.2)" Specifies the location of a news proxy gateway. Takes precedence over the resources \fInewsProxy\fP and \fIProxyGateway\fP. Proxy gateway support is currently in beta-test phase. .TP .B "NNTPSERVER" By default, NCSA \fIMosaic\fP looks for an NNTP server named 'news'. Many sites have this aliased to their local NNTP server. If you don't, then just set your \fINNTPSERVER\fP environment variable to the NNTP server of your choice. (No, we don't know of any public NNTP servers.) .TP .B "TMPDIR" Specifics the directory to be used to store temporary files generated by \fIMosaic\fP. Setting this environment variable is equivalent to setting the resource \fItmpDirectory\fP or using the command-line option '\fI-tmpdir\fP'. .TP .B "wais_proxy \fP(new for version 2.2)" Specifies the location of a WAIS proxy gateway. Takes precedence over the resources \fIwaisProxy\fP and \fIProxyGateway\fP. Proxy gateway support is currently in beta-test phase. .TP .B "WWW_HOME" The URL for the home document. This takes precedence over the command-line option '\fI-home\fP' and the resource \fIhomeDocument\fP. .TP .B "XKEYSYMDB" If you're running X11R5, you can set the environment variable \fIXKEYSYMDB\fP to a filename naming whatever XKeysymDB file you want to use. .SH FILES .TP .I ~/.mosaic-global-history The file in which the global history of all documents visited is stored (can be overridden by the resource \fIglobalHistoryFile\fP). .TP .I ~/.mosaic-hotlist-default The file in which the hotlist is stored (can be overridden by the resource \fIdefaultHotlistFile\fP). .TP .I ~/.mosaic-personal-annotations/ The directory in which personal annotations are stored (can be overridden by the resource \fIpersonalAnnotationDirectory\fP). .TP .I ~/.mosaicpid The process id of the current \fIMosaic\fP session. .SH "SEE ALSO" ghostview(1), gunzip(1), mailcap(4), metamail(1), mime(1), mpeg_play(1), showaudio(1), xdvi(1), xterm(1), xv(1), xwud(1) .SH NOTES This man page was constructed by Jennifer Myers from the text of the on-line User Guide and Frequently Asked Questions list . .PP The User Guide and FAQ list are maintained by Alan Braverman . .PP This man page is \fInot\fP part of the official \fIMosaic\fP distribution. .SH COPYRIGHT NCSA \fIMosaic\fP is Copyright (C) 1993, Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois .SH AUTHORS NCSA \fIMosaic\fP was developed by Eric Bina, and Marc Andreessen, .