#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # read-comics # # Version 1.04, (4 April 1995) # # Author: Jennifer Myers # # 'read-comics' is a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) script for CGI-compliant # HTTP servers (e.g., NCSA httpd). 'read-comics' generates a hypertext # interface to the ClariNet electronic newspaper's cartoon newsgroups. # It does this by querying the NNTP server for a list of active articles # in the newsgroup and then generates from this, a list of hyperlinks. # When a link is selected, the article is retrieved from the NNTP server and # then (base64) decoded on-the-fly. # # The links: # http://www-server.domain/cgi-bin/read-comics/dilbert?today # http://www-server.domain/cgi-bin/read-comics/bizarro?today # http://www-server.domain/cgi-bin/read-comics/worldviews?today # will point to the most recent of that cartoon. # # This script will not work with NCSA Mosaic for Windows versions prior # to version 2.0 A8. # # Connecting hosts not in $domain are denied access. # # Retrieval instructions: # # The latest version of 'read-comics' may be retrieved from the WWW as # http://www.eecs.nwu.edu/~jmyers/cgi-src/read-comics # or by anonymous ftp as # eecs.nwu.edu:/pub/jmyers/cgi-src/read-comics # # Installation: # # Configure $domain, $nntphost, and ${dilbert,bizarro,worldviews}_group # as appropriate. # # Put this script in your CGI bin directory. For example, on my # server, I have this script installed as: # http://www.eecs.nwu.edu/cgi-bin/read-comics # # If you can run the script, but are denied access, set $ip_mask # appropriately. # # Acknowledgements: # # The NNTP code is adopted from code for a NNTP client written by # Eric Young # The base64decode algorithm comes from the base64 package by # Shingo Fujimoto # Thanks to all the people who offered code or otherwise suggested # that read-comics be expanded to include the new strips Bizarro # and Views of the World. # # Revision History: # # 4/4/95: Version 1.04: Dilbert is no longer available from # Clarinet. New pointer added. # # 11/29/94: Version 1.03: Skip over the Dilbert Newsletter # when retrieving dilbert?today (thanks Ed Kubaitis # ). # # 11/28/94: Version 1.02: The link to today's comic in &getlinks was # still of the old syntax. Fixed. Thank you to James # Mathiesen and Don Geddis # for reporting this problem. # James Mathiesen also brought it to my attention that this # script will not work with NCSA Mosaic for Windows 2.0a7 # due to a problem with that browser which is already on # their buglist. # # 11/26/94: Version 1.01: removed 'die''s and instead now feed the # nntp error descriptions to the www client # # 11/22/94: Version 1.0: expanded script to include 2 other cartoons # distributed by ClariNet: Bizarro and Views of the World. # Also added an error page which gives the valid range of # articles if an out-of-range article is somehow requested. # # 6/7/94: Version 0.15: read-comics?today now issues a redirect # for non-local sites to GNN's freely-available Dilbert # strip. NCSA httpd 1.3 generates CGI process killing # messages in response to "Location" tag redirects, but # they can be safely ignored. # # 5/19/94: Version 0.14. Fixed read-comics?today for the case that # the article does not contain an image (such as today's # Dilbert Newsletter.) Thanks to Ed Kubaitis # for reporting the problem and # providing the patch! # # 1/21/94: Version 0.13. Minor change made in how GIF containing # articles are determined. Now either one of the following # need be true: the first word in the subject is "Dilbert:", # or the last word is "(1/1)". # # 1/18/94: Version 0.12. Added IP checking of domain for servers for # which gethostbyname does not return a FQDN. Removed # dependency on `hostname` for obtaining the server's # hostname. Replaced references to "clari.feature.dilbert" # by $group in the text. # # 1/17/94: Version 0.11. Changed name of script to not interfere # with trademark restrictions. (Dilbert is a registered # trademark of Scott Adams and United Media). # # 1/16/94: Version 0.1. Initial release. # ############################################################################ # Change these variables to suit your environment. $ip_mask = "129.105"; # You need only change this (to the first # few numbers of the IP address assigned # to your domain - e.g., "129.105") if your # machine does not return a fully qualified # domain name for $remote_host. If you # have no problems resolving FQDNs on your # local network, you should set $ip_mask = # "NNN.NNN" $ip_mask2 = "165.124"; $ip_mask3 = "199.74"; $domain = "nwu.edu"; $nntphost = "news.acns.nwu.edu"; $dilbert_group = "clari.feature.dilbert"; $bizarro_group = "clari.feature.bizarro"; $worldviews_group = "clari.feature.worldviews"; $dilbert_url = "http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert/"; $dilbert_today_url = "http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert/todays_dilbert.gif"; ############################################################################ # You should not need to change anything after this line. require 'sys/socket.ph'; require 'ctime.pl'; $version = "1.04"; $date = &ctime(time); $group = $dilbert_group; # default group $hostname = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}; $query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; $path_info = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}; $remote_addr = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; $remote_host = $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}; $script_name = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; if (($query_string eq "") && ($path_info eq "")) { print <<"EOM"; Content-Type: text/html read-comics, a gateway to the ClariNet comics

Comics available through ClariNet

The following comics are available through the ClariNet electronic newspaper: Please note that copyright restrictions limit our distribution of this comic strip to hosts in the $domain domain. EOM &printlongtail; &printtail; } else { # Query provided if (($remote_host !~ /\.$domain$/) && ($remote_addr !~ /^$ip_mask/) && ($remote_addr !~ /^$ip_mask2/) && ($remote_addr !~ /^$ip_mask3/)) { # Access denied if (($path_info =~ /dilbert/) && ($query_string ne "today")) { print <<"EOM"; Location: $dilbert_url Content-Type: text/html Dilbert


Dilbert has moved. EOM &printlongtail; &printtail; exit; } if (($path_info =~ /bizarro/) || ($path_info =~ /worldviews/) || ($query_string ne "today")) { print <<"EOM"; Content-Type: text/html read-comics access restricted

read-comics access restricted

These comics are distributed by ClariNet. Copyright restrictions limit our distribution of this comic strip to hosts in the $domain domain. EOM &printlongtail; &printtail; } else { print <<"EOM"; Location: $dilbert_today_url Content-Type: text/html Dilbert


Dilbert has moved. EOM &printlongtail; &printtail; } # end (query_string ne "today") } else { # access allowed if (($path_info ne "") && ($path_info ne "/dilbert") && ($path_info ne "/bizarro") && ($path_info ne "/worldviews")) { print <<"EOM"; Location: http://$hostname$script_name Content-Type: text/html Sorry, that request was not understood. Please try again. EOM exit; } $group = $bizarro_group if ($path_info =~ /bizarro/); $group = $worldviews_group if ($path_info =~ /worldviews/); if ((($path_info =~ /dilbert/) || ($path_info eq "")) && ($query_string eq "today")) { print <<"EOM"; Location: $dilbert_today_url Content-Type: text/html Dilbert


Dilbert has moved. EOM &printlongtail; &printtail; exit; } if ($path_info =~ /dilbert/) { print <<"EOM"; Location: $dilbert_url Content-Type: text/html Dilbert


Dilbert has moved. EOM &printlongtail; &printtail; exit; } &startnntp("$nntphost"); &read_nntp_header(); ($first, $last) = &group_cmd(); &xhdr_cmd($first,$last); if ($query_string eq "") { print <<"EOM"; Content-Type: text/html read-comics gateway to $group

read-comics $group gateway

Please note that these comic strips are copyrighted and do not pass on copies to others. Legitimate access is restricted to hosts in the $domain domain. EOM &getlinks(@subject); print "
This page was automatically generated on $date
\n"; &printtail; } elsif ($query_string eq "today") { $last-- if $subject[$#subject] =~ /Dilbert Newsletter/i; &printasgif($last); } else { # number provided if (($query_string < $first) || ($query_string > $last)) { print <<"EOM"; Content-Type: text/html Sorry, that comic strip is not available. The valid range for $group is $first to $last. EOM exit; } &printasgif($query_string); } # end number provided } # end access allowed } # end query provided sub printlongtail { print <<"EOM";

As of April 1st, Dilbert is no longer available through ClariNet. Dilbert is now available from United Media's Web server.

read-comics - a gateway to the ClariNet comics - is a Common Gateway Interface script written in Perl which queries the news server via NNTP, generates a list of hyperlinked articles, and retrieves and decodes selected articles on-the-fly.

EOM } sub printtail { print <<"EOM"; This is read-comics, version $version, written by Jennifer Myers EOM } sub printasgif { local($name) = @_; local(@txt) = &body_cmd($name); if (grep(/^Content-Type: image\/gif/i, @txt)) { $_ = shift(@txt) until $_ =~ /^Content-Type: image\/gif/i; print "Content-Type: image/gif\n\n"; $_ = shift(@txt) until $_ = /^$/; &decode64initialize; while ($_ = shift(@txt)) { print &decode64($_); } } else { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print "No image found!\n"; exit; } } sub decode64initialize { @code64 = ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '+', '/'); grep($bin64{$code64[$_]} = unpack('B6', pack('C', $_ * 4)), 0 .. 63); } sub decode64 { local($bits) = join('', grep($_ = $bin64{$_}, $_[$[] =~ /./g)); pack('B' . (length($bits) & ~7), $bits); } sub getlinks { local(@articles) = @_; local(@i); print "

\n"; print "


"; print "
    \n"; while ($_ = shift(@articles)) { split; $num = shift(@_); @subj = @_; print "
  • @subj\n"; } print "
"; } sub body_cmd { local($name) = @_; local(@ret); print NNTP "BODY $name\n"; $_ = ; if (!/^222 /) { # body cmd problems &quit_cmd(1); } @ret = &getlines(); return(@ret); } sub xhdr_cmd { local($a,$b)=@_; print NNTP "XHDR Subject $a-$b\n"; $_ = ; if (!/^221 /) { # xhdr cmd problems if (/^500 /) { &manual_xhdr_cmd($a,$b); } else { &quit_cmd(); } return; } @subject = &getlines(); } sub manual_xhdr_cmd { local($a,$b) = @_; local($i,@s,$j); $#subject = $[; foreach $i ($a .. $b) { print NNTP "HEAD $i\n"; $_ = ; if (/^221 /) { @s = grep(/^Subject: /,&getlines()); $s[0] =~ /^Subject: (.*)/; push(@subject,"$i $1"); } else { print "$_"; } } } sub getlines { local(@ret); while () { if (/^\./ && (!/^\.\./)) { chop; last; } s/\015//g; push(@ret,$_); } return(@ret); } sub quit_cmd { local($code) = @_; print NNTP "QUIT\n"; $_ = ; exit($code); } sub group_cmd { print NNTP "GROUP $group\n"; $_ = ; split; ($code,$num,$first,$last,$group) = @_; if ($code != 211) { # group cmd problems &quit_cmd(1); } return($first,$last); } sub dokill { kill(9,$child) if $child; } sub startnntp { local($name) = @_; $SIG{'INT'} = 'dokill'; $sockaddr = 'Sna4x8'; ($n,$aliases,$proto) = getprotobyname('tcp'); ($n,$aliases,$port) = getservbyname('nntp','tcp'); ($n,$aliases,$type,$len,$thisaddr) = gethostbyname($hostname); ($n,$aliases,$type,$len,$thataddr) = gethostbyname($name); $this = pack($sockaddr,&AF_INET,0,$thisaddr); $that = pack($sockaddr,&AF_INET,$port,$thataddr); unless (socket(NNTP,&PF_INET,&SOCK_STREAM,$proto)) { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print "Error from news server $nntphost:

socket: $!\n"; exit; } unless (bind(NNTP,$this)) { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print "Error from news server $nntphost:

bind: $!\n"; exit; } unless (connect(NNTP,$that)) { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print "Error from news server $nntphost:

connect: $!\n"; exit; } select(NNTP); $|=1; select(STDIN); $|=1; select(STDOUT); $|=1; } sub read_nntp_header { while () { last if (/^200 /); last if (/^201 /); exit(1) if (/^400 /); } }