128: How do I bind a combination of modifier key and function key?

  With Emacs 19 you can represent modified function keys in vector format
  by adding prefixes to the function key symbol.  For example (from the
  on-line documentation):

           (global-set-key [?\C-x right] 'forward-page)

  where "?\C-x" is the Lisp character constant for the character "C-x".

  You can use the modifier keys Control, Meta, Hyper, Super, Alt, and Shift
  with function keys.  To represent these modifiers, prepend the strings
  "C-", "M-", "H-", "s-", "A-", and "S-" to the symbol name.  Here is how
  to make "Hyper-Meta-RIGHT" move forward a word:

           (global-set-key [H-M-right] 'forward-word)

  NOTE: * Not all modifiers are permitted in all situations.  Hyper, Super,
          and Alt are available only under X (provided there are such
          keys).  Non-ASCII keys and mouse events (e.g. "C-=" and
          "mouse-1") also fall under this category.

  See question 113 for general key binding instructions.