Re: For those that have just joined

Pete 'Happy' Thomas (
Fri, 19 Aug 1994 08:33:01 -0400

I _ just _ joined, so I probably missed the message requesting
introductions.  :-)  (I'm inferring the existence of such a message without
direct evidence--analogous to the way a lot of intrusions are currently
detected:  "The hard drive appeared to spontaneously eat itself '/bin/rm
-rf /*' style, therefore, we've been hit.")

I'm a long-time user of many platforms, and was a system administrator of
an esoteric beastie (a BBN GP-1000 Butterfly) when I worked for my Uncle
Sam a few years back.  I'm interested in the future implications and
directions as information technology and computing spreads to more and more
areas of society.  In particular, how do you add "cameras, alarms, and
locks" into a "community" that grew up from a
sleepy-back-door-unlocked-why-would-I-worry mentality into a

En tout cas, glad to be here and hope I can add something to the mix, as
well as take some back out.


  Peter L. Thomas, GRA--GTRI  <>
  Internet Talk/Finger Requests:
  PGP Public Key: available from MIT PGP key server and others
  C V--po---Y+t+!5jRG'tvb+++(+)!DB-e+++u+hf*r+n+y++