CIAC Notes 7: A Look at SATAN

Frank Swift (
Thu, 30 Mar 1995 07:50:20 -0800

As a good citizen I should have past this on sooner.
             U.S. DOE's Computer Incident Advisory Capability
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Number 95-07                                               March 29, 1995

In order to provide timely, useful information on the upcoming release
of the SATAN tool, CIAC is releasing a special issue of CIAC
Notes. Please send your comments and feedback to

  $ Reference to any specific commercial product does not necessarily   $
  $ constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favoring by  $
  $ CIAC, the University of California, or the United States Government.$

A Look at SATAN
John Fisher


Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks, or SATAN, is a
tool for investigating the vulnerabilities of remote systems.
Systematically moving through a given Internet subdomain, it
probes for weakness in each responding system. The vulnerabilities
uncovered are then reported to the user.

Due to be released April 5, SATAN is the join