some thoughs

Alexander O. Yuriev (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 11:42:00 -0500 (EST)


        There is something that never failed to amaze me : the attitude 
of a lot of SAs. First of all let me tell you several things that attract 
my attention on conferences: did you notice that during security 
workshops and tutorial most of people look with wide eyes at you if you 
tell them about methods that intruders use? Did you notice a number of 
people who say that their system were never broken into while you know 
that they export filesystems to world? The same people would say that 
they rely on the most advanced intrusion detection systems from Blah Inc 
that cost them $50,000 a year to maintain. etc, etc, etc.  
        Why do we trust our vendors when they say that their systems are 
secure? What are the checks that we perfom before we bring a system onto 
the netwotk? Do we perform them at all or do we just blindly assume that 
if there is no patch out there, there is no problem? Is it that we do not 
want to bother with it or is it that we do not know where to look?
        I would appreciate your comments...

Best wishes,

Alexander O. Yuriev                         Email:
Philadelphia, PA, USA           

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