Re: [NOISE] Re[2]: FLAME

Michael James (
Wed, 21 Feb 1996 14:35:03 +1100

The element of motivation is important to this thread.

The same idea of small against big that led a (young unwise) hacker to rip-off
a large corporation could inspire a suite of security tools to help small
time internet publishers defend their pages.

On the other hand an ex-hacker might find themselves forced to choose
between ideals and job if they were asked to provide technical backup for a

So choose your career or employees carefully.

( Would some anarchistically-inclined group like to better integrate PGP
into mail packages?  The more it is used the harder it will be to
eliminate. )

Pardon me for extending this thread further but it has thrown up more
interesting debate than I gave it credit for at first.

Says Saadi in the Gulistan,
      "Three things lack Permanence:
        - Power without justice
        - Wealth without trading
        - Learning without disputation"
