Re: I'm with Gene

Dan Stromberg (
Mon, 26 Feb 1996 09:01:47 -0800 wrote:
> >1) Network security is a key to a secure working enviroment.  Do not
> >leave simple things uncovered.  example Novell is a batchfile OS so
> >secure it, do not allow users to execute it's sudo-dos commands.
> >        2. I'm not a windows expert but i've hear NT has a good passwd
> >program unlike Novell which is all text based.

'last I heard, it allowed access if you mistyped your password a
couple/few times.

> position is much better than someone trying to pull off a simple social
> engineering ploy. The trick is detecting a change in their actions or
> routines that will indicate a willingness to abuse the system. Does anyone
> profile known abusers after the fact, to determine some common theme of
> behavior amongst them?

The common behavior is: they all break into systems.

Ya gotta be careful when setting up "cracker profiles"; there's a pretty
high potential for misuse.