Re: IDS: Real-time IDS for Windows NT?

Dark Knight (
Mon, 15 Sep 1997 12:29:44 -0800

>> claims that NT is C2 certified is, in large part, a disservice as it leads
>> many inexperienced network managers to a false sense of security and at the
>> same time makes the hacker's much more interested in defeating it's so
>> called security...
>If i am not mistaken, Only NT 3.51 with Service pack 5 has achieved a C2
>rating, and this does not take into account a system connect to the

I think NT 4.0 can be get a C2 rating after you put a firewall on the network.
I think I heard something about NT 5.0 shiping  with a Firewall that you
can install but does not install unless you do it in the setup.  But I
think Microsoft only say's that it can be configerd to have a C2 rateing..
I remember reading something about how the Gov is going to buy a crap load
of PC's with Windows NT 4.0 or 5.0 on it any one know any thing about this?

					Dark Knight