IDS: Question about CGI hole & Metacaracter...

Carmelo Zaccone (
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 03:37:03 +0100


I'm student in Computer Science in UCL (belgium) and I follow a course
on OS security.
The course is organised as a seminar with subjet 'intrusion detection'!

My work on that course is about httpd hacking thanks to CGI hole (doing
some command thanks to that) and metacaracter use. So I must explain
what is the hack, wich 'hole' are the most famous, explain it, try some
attack and propose some solution.

Could you send me information about it and some famous files to try it ?

If you can answer me very soon it'll be very kind...

        Thanks in advance

 Zaccone Carmelo
 Info 23