In the spirit...

Benjamin Tomhave (
Fri, 15 Dec 95 13:51:58 -0600


Since y'all are doing introductions, I might as well toss mine in, too.

I'm a student and sysadmin at Luther College in Decorah, IA. We're not 
big, but we're here.  My main responsibilities are security related 
issues in the hunting/tracking category.  I am also admin'ing the 
platform hosting our official web site, and which may spout into a full 
blown CWIS some day.  For the most part, I am in the growth and 
development stage with security issue.  The platforms which I am using 
are HP 9000's running HP-UX 9.00 (although we have 10., upgrade will wait 
until Summer at the earliest in order to do rebuilds on binaries).  One 
is an 887 and the other is an 817.  I also work in the area of acad. 
computing support, which puts me into contact with DOS/Windows/etc. and 
Macintosh, as well as PowerPCs.  I'm starting to venture into FreeBSD and 
have some contact with Linux as well.  

My main area of interest is security, though, as relating to UN*X 
platforms as well as cryptography.  I hope that I will be able to 
contribute some time to this list, though my main purpose will be to 
absorb information.

Thanks for your time!

Benjamin Tomhave
Luther College
Decorah, IA (account@ Concordia College, Moorhead, MN)