Re: Intro

Heino Peters (
10 Aug 94 10:27:01+0200

Hi Brett,

> For those who do not know quite what
> this is about, we had a significant increase in doorknocks on our
> firewall just after I subscribed to this list.  Could be coincidence
> but I think not.

do you really mean after you subscribed to the list or is it after you
wrote to list for the first time ? Both are rather unpleasant in their
consequences, but the first would make me really scared.

// Heino

P.S.: I'm new to the list. so I don't know wether you are a regular
contributor to the list or not.

Heino Peters         | email:                 | Tel.:
Deutsches Klima-RZ   |         | +49 40 41173 287
Bundesstr. 55        |    | Fax:
D-20146 Hamburg      |                        | +49 40 41173 270