
Mark HYDE @GEO (@GEO")
Fri, 06 Jan 95 09:37:01 -0800

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Posted: Fri, 06 Jan 95 09:26:01 -0800
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 95 09:22:01 -0800
From: "Mark HYDE @GEO" <"hyde.mark%Organization=SERVICES - IM OPERATIONS%Telephone=821-4628"@a1gva05.ehqmts.geo>
Subject: Introduce Myself

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    Just a short intro...
    I am responsible for the security of Digital's computer systems in 
    Switzerland and the European Headquarters in Geneva. We use our own 
    polycenter products for detecting intrusion attempts but I would like 
    to get a feel for other techniques/products that are available on the 
    market. So I joined your list...
    I look forward to exchanging ideas with you all.

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