Re: Delusions of List Under Attack & Paranoia

Patrick A. Morin (
Fri, 24 Mar 1995 16:53:18 -0500 (EST)

	It was mentionned on the Firewalls (or was it bugtraq?) list that 
discussion about SATAN should be on the IDS list, so that might explain the 
rather unusual subscription patern you are witnessing. Now going back to 
lurking mode.

  ______                                                             ______ 
 /__/__/\  Patrick A. Morin                |  /\__\__\ 
/__/__/\/\ Primary System Administrator    | NIC Handle: PM74      /\/\__\__\ 
\__\__\/\/ Acces Public LLC in Quebec City |                       \/\/__/__/ 
 \__\__\/!!Patrick_Morin  | (418)656-7777 x14841   \/__/__/