Re: Delusions of List Under Attack & Paranoia

Bob McKisson (
Fri, 24 Mar 1995 16:45:14 +0500

Yeah, I went through a similar drill about six months ago, but I
quickly  decided that instead of keeping my cool and going through the
reset checklist, I went into an inverted highspeed flat spin panic and
shut down the gate, but not before I activated the electronic
equivalent of a pack of dobermans.  When the security admins came in
the next morning and found a stack of pissed-off users lined up wanting
to know why the system was in a tight no access mode, things got
interesting.  It got worse when they found that I had turned loose a
vulture security script that rips through the LAN from beginnig to end
and eats anything and everything that remotely shows itself that it
might be a non-root byte.  The result was two days worth of system and
file restoration.

I have been given my Sun SPARCstation back, and I am allowed to logon
again, but only during normal working hours and under strict adult
