Re: some thoughs

Benoit Dicaire (BDicaire@NRJ.Com)
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 09:35:49 -0500

At 11:42 95-11-20 -0500, Alexander O. Yuriev wrote:

> What are the checks that we perfom before we bring a system onto 
>the netwotk? Do we perform them at all or do we just blindly assume that 
>if there is no patch out there, there is no problem? Is it that we do not 
>want to bother with it or is it that we do not know where to look?

What about a checkmark list of what should be verified before you put a 
machine online ??

You can write a skeleton, share it with us, then *we* (i.e. the list) can adapt
it to every platform.

  Benoit Dicaire    -    Unix    -  NRJ Informatique
  BDicaire@NRJ.Com  - Consultant -  (514) 593-9747
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