Re: My Introduction

Wed, 7 Feb 1996 10:22:20 +0100

Mark Riggins wrote:

> From:
> Subject: My Introduction

> As part of this effort, I have developed an
> alarm rules language.  The language was designed to be easily and
> quickly implemented and extensible, sacrificing readability because 
> its rules are generated by a GUI interface.   

In ASAX project, we developped a rule-based language for audit trail analysis.
It is called Russel (RUle-baSed Sequence evaluation Language). It offers 
control structures and supports on-line analysis. Its main feature is the 
capability of detecting the occurrence of *sequence* of events instead of 
single events. It has an interface to C. We are working on a distributed 
implementation of Russel.

> Does any one have an index of all the best articles, journals, papers etc?

All papers can be obtained from under /pub/users/amo/papers

Aziz Mounji.

| Abdelaziz Mounji	   |             |
| ASAX project		   | |
| Institut d'Informatique  |	voice: +32 81 724987             |
| University of Namur  	   |	Fax  : +32 81 724967             |