Question. (Was re:hacker's intro)

G.h.van den Berg (
Tue, 13 Feb 1996 21:42:58 +0000

I was just wondering who you thought found any of the holes in the first
place? It sure as hell isn't down to all you so called security consultants!
We use hackers in tiger teams because they use unconventional methods. How
many of you would go trashing or try some social engineering to gain access
to a system? 
I'd guess close to none..
How many hackers......more like *all*
System security is much more than applying requires a
pro-active approach...password's are a good example.
How do you know your password's are un crackable? Answer, try and crack them
yourself! There is a lot to be learnt from hackers because however secure
you think your system is they *will* find a way in!

>From: on Sat, Feb 10, 1996 12:36 PM
>Subject: Former Hacker's Intro
>    I wholeheartedly concur with the flame sent in response to the "former" 
>    hacker's introduction.  This sort of individual bragging about his 
>    criminal background and his obvious expectations of attaining wealth as 
>    a legitimate entrepeneur are not unlike other organized criminals 
>    buying legitimate businesses with their ill-gotten gains.  Rewarding 
>    these types with consulting business and publishing royalties only 
>    encourages other seemingly intelligent people to do the same - this is 
>    not on the job training, and costs businesses billions of dollars in 
>    losses and required, preventive measures!
>    As an information systems auditor, however, it does provide me with 
>    additional job security!