RE: intro

Steve Gibbons (
Wed, 14 Feb 1996 01:17:28 -700

Color me parnoid...

I've been a member of this list for a couple of months.  I've never introduced
myself, and I don't plan to.  (If you knew what I worked on, I'd have to kill
you and all of that rot...  :)

This is a list tht is open for anyone to subscribe to that cares to.  One of
the first things that you're asked to do is introduce yourself.  I've seen
quite a few introductions over the last couple of months that pinpoint network
addresses, usernames, full names, organizations, specialties, personal
interests and what-not.  Quite a few of these intros are from "relative"
newbies to the field.

[ Begin Moderator
The introduction *invites* you to post an introduction, as a means to
bring conversation, ideas and personality to the list and its subscribers.

Yes there are hackers, crackers, phreakers on the list as there are also
academic, government, military and security personel. So who do you fear the
most ? So what ? who cares, you get say what your willing to reveal. If
you are affraid say nothing its your keyboard. B) - RuF ]

Talk about hacker/cracker-heaven...  (_Especially_ considering the topic that
this list is devoted to....)

Flame me if you must, but I'll probably file it in /dev/null or NLA0: 
(Constructive criticism is welcomed, however, and I encourage you to post such

[ Back to something more on-topic ] Is anyone else using a protocol analyzer to
sniff the traffic on the outside of their router and report on/perform actions
based on detected anomolies?
