IDS: CFP: The Insider Volume 3 Issue 2

Ethan Preston (
Sun, 18 Apr 1999 20:39:02 -0400

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>---- Joining Requests ----
>When joining the list I ask you to briefly introduce yourself (to the
>mailing list <>), to give an outline of your interest in
>intrusion detection systems. Whether you are developing an intrusion
>detection system, or a system administrator or student who is
>currently investigating or developing a system.

I'm actually a law student with no network administration experience. I'm
interested in computer intrusions for abusive trade secret and competitive
intelligence reasons as well as kids "just" fooling around, and the
consequent litigation surrounding some of these issues.  It's good for me
to have a fuller understanding of the kinds of threats actually encountered
by sysadmins. Because computer intrusions rarely justify legal remedies, I
am interested in the typical measures taken and usual remedies available to
(and actually used by) network admins.

>Additionally you might
>want to express some personal ideas that you have about what you think
>an intrusion detection system should be.

Probably one that doesn't ever require a lawyer . . . . : )