IDS: Requested Introduction

Gary Flynn (
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 09:46:29 -0400

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My name is Gary Flynn and I hold a Security Engineer position
at James Madison University. I'm investigating IDR products
as part of my duties. One of the projects I'm working on part
time is a mechanism to aid the campus population in assessing 
the vulnerabilities on their computers:

>Additionally you might
>want to express some personal ideas that you have about what you 
>think an intrusion detection system should be.

1. Very configurable report formats. It should be possible to
   access the raw results and let the customer interpret them
   and produce a report based on the intended audience.

2. Very open in the ability of a customer to add vulnerability

3. Very configurable as to what checks are made and to what
   degree (i.e. check for version, check for response, check
   for actual denial of service).

4. Web interface.

5. Very open in describing how the product actually checks