
Thierry Dautcourt (Thierry.Dautcourt@loria.fr)
Fri, 05 Aug 1994 10:55:47 +0200


I am a system administrator in LORIA (education and research)
and I am involve in network and in security.
We have about 300 unix workstations et we are using tools
like xinetd, tcp_wrapper, cops and tiger.
We use program like tiger only time to time ; 
it is'nt possible to analyze results of 300 computers logs by hand.
So I have some interest in IDS, especially in a system who could analyze 
logs and detect anomalies (by specifying rules and by automatic training).

Thierry Dautcourt                       | Tel   : (33)
INRIA-Lorraine / CRIN-CNRS              | Fax   : (33)
Campus Scientifique                     | Telex : 850 238 F 
615, rue du Jardin Botanique - B.P. 101 | E-mail: Thierry.Dautcourt@loria.fr
54602 VILLERS LES NANCY CEDEX           |         ou dautcour@loria.fr 