Summary on the phf web server hack.
Mon, 15 Jul 96 11:26:06 EST

    This posting is a summary for people like myself who know they will
    never be rocket scientists.  Unix Wizards can safely ignore it.

    Based on postings on this list and firewalls, there is a frequently
    exploited hole in some www server installations.  A script is being
    used by hackers that tries to use the phf program that came with some
    cgi application gateways to steal a copy of the server's password file.

    Log on the system console as root and change to the appropriate
    directory, something like
       cd /users/inet/admin
    and type
       egrep "passwd|\%0a|\%OA" *access
    then wait for a while.

    If you have been attacked, a response something like the following
    will be returned:

960412access:  - - [12/Apr/1996:04;24;42 -0400]
"GET /cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0a/bin/cat%20/etc/passwd HTTP/1.0" 404 207 - - [02/Jul/1996:16:46:55 -0700]
"GET /cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0a/bin/cat%20/etc/passwd HTTP/1.0" 200 27121

    The last group of digits in each response shows the number of bytes
    transmitted.  The second to last group of digits is the status code
    A status code in the 200 range shows the hack worked.
    A status code in the 400 range shows the hack failed.

    In the examples shown above, the first attempt failed (404 207).
    The second attempt worked and the password file was transmitted
    (200 27121).

                           Hog Farmer
                           Tropical Hog Improvement Programme

    (If anyone knows of a rustler proof hog-pen, please let me know)